Wednesday, August 22, 2012

wow its been a long time AGAIN!

So long since I was last here......not sure if blogging is gonna be my thing but I am gonna give it a try again!

I am about to embark on a couple new Fitness journey's!

First : Group Power a new wight training program we are about to roll out at the gym I work at!

Second: My own personal challenge with "chicks who can do chin ups" stay tuned as I am gonna blog my every move!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We have Sunshine again!!! Yay

What a beautiful morning! I feel great today! after a busy day yesterday....just when I thought no work out was gonna be had......due to a sore tummy and busy busy I decided last minute to get off my growing butt and get to hot Yoga!!!!! Moksha Nanaimo did not dissapoint. I love sweatin it out with the yogi's on a chilly night! It was my first time to an 8:30pm class....but I have to say it was great! and I slept like a baby!

Moral of the story = just get out anyway and do something good for yourself ! You will always feel better! Force yourself out the door!!! 

I am goin back tonight BTW 8:30pm!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

This and that!

Well on the biz front....don't forget Punch Cards are on sale for the month of November and Stroller Bootcamp punch cards come with a gift!!!

On a personal note....I had a great run yesterday just before "the storm" lol then got home just in time to make myself a yummy smoothie!!!then my power wen't out! 

Today I have started my day off right with an egg on a piece of whole grain toast! NICE!  I have trouble's with the wheat but I love it I eat it anyways! in moderation. AND in good quality! I am not gonna risk a sore tummy for just any whole grain! lol
I have hockey tonight so that's gonna rock my quads!!! and some other muscles......will keep you posted! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

OK so I have not been here in a couple days!

So today I will tell you how my day wen't
Woke up 5:30am
did spin for 1 hour! and it was fantastic!!! However sometimes I feel "well I taught spin for an hour so there's an extra 600 or so calories I can eat....right? " .........WRONG! lol totally defeats the purpose!
So I vacated my fantastic extra calorie thinking and wen't on with my day with an egg on a piece of whole grain toast ( which I should not eat but did anyway ) one of those days!
From there I wen't far to long without eating ...I did drink an awful lot of water but still.....the next time I ate was not until about 2pm....I was so hungry I ate a burger! least it was homemade and not on a bun! but still...gross!
From there...not so bad ....had a chicken breast and some baked fries for diner and a glass of wine (red) and yummy! So yeah ...not a veggy in site today...or fruit! lol
I am gonna get up again tomorrow and try again! because that's how it's done! Don't give up just keep on tryin :-) 
Tomorrow I will eat perfectly and tell you all about it! 
see you then!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Food Plan for the day!

Let's see if i stick with it!!! lol

Breakfast!!!....right now! Glass O water with a squeeze of lemon
Bowl of  Kashi go lean with some yummy Almond milk, and  cup of coffee with a little cream and a little raw sugar
My mid morning snack is going to be a yummy Vanilla Protein shake....which I will make myself  with a nice selection of a scoop of protein powder ( currently using all natural elite from my friend Rene at Popeye's)  O so yummy!

Lunch.....hhmmmm..undecided but I will keep you posted! My work out for the day will be a little run followed by 10x10x10 workout!

10 exercises......10 reps....with a 10 second rest in between for half an hour. 
Gonna do
1. Push Ups
2. Stink bugs
3. Crunchy Frogs
4. Tri dips
5. Scissor lunges
6. bicycles
7. Bicep Curls
8. Jump squats
9. Crunch up's
10. Jumping jacks

See ya all later I will let you know how it goes!!! ....woot woot!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

OK so here it is! My Blog! 
For the next 90 days.....yepp you read right 90 days I am gonna blog my activity and diet! This is now my food and exercise journal, for my very own 90 day challenge!!!! 
My hopes are that you will follow me...and help keep me honest! Post comments and Join me!!!
Tell your friends and follow! It's gonna be fun......and it's gonna help me and you through the holiday season. Why wait until new years like everyone else to get a grip and commit to yourself and you health??? Do it now and then make a New Years Resolution you really want instead of the right....quit smoking! DO IT NOW! I will help....follow me and my activities! 

Come on......follow! let's go it will be fun :-)

See you all in the morning......! Start thinking about your week one goal....I know I am!